Home > Press > Atwood Magazien - Feature: Singer/Songwriter Roo Panes’ ‘The Sumemr Isles’ Is a Celebration of Connection, Stillness, & Life Itself

Atwood Magazien - Feature: Singer/Songwriter Roo Panes’ ‘The Sumemr Isles’ Is a Celebration of Connection, Stillness, & Life Itself 6 April 2023

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Singer/songwriter Roo Panes dives into his sun-kissed and spiritually cleansing fourth album ‘The Summer Isles,’ an enchanting celebration of connection, stillness, nature, love, and life itself.
Stream: “Samalaman Bay” – Roo Panes

All of these songs in some way represent an island or refuge, or a great memory bottled up.

Gentle, glistening, and golden, Roo Panes’ fourth album is an inspiring beacon of light and love, warmth and wonder.

The English folk singer/songwriter embarks on a wide-eyed, open-hearted adventure on The Summer Isles, an enchanting celebration of connection, stillness, nature, love, and life itself. Sun-kissed and spiritually cleansing, it’s an intimate and epic record that chooses to not only see the beauty in this world, but also to embrace it, nurture it, and bask in its radiant glow.

We drove all the way to Samalaman bay,
Never heard of the place till we got there.
And the sand was so white,

And the trees were so green,
And the sea so blue,
It made me think of you.
Cos if I didn’t have you to come back to,
I’d probably find it hard to leave,

But I do, but I do, but I do.
I have you.

Released March 24, 2023 via Leafy Outlook, The Summer Isles is a soothing, soul-stirring seduction. The long-awaited follow-up to 2018’s Quiet Man is the musical manifestation of a big, loving hug – only instead of arms, Panes uses his comforting voice, his lilting acoustic guitar, and a bevy of rich, immersive instruments to wrap himself around our ears and our hearts.

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