Short film 'Victory To The Mimers' has been shortlisted shortlisted for the Young Director Award premiering at Cannes Film Festival. Music composed by Robert Primrose...
The new Netflix series ERIC is streaming now. Starring Benedict Cumberbatch, Gaby Hoffman and McKinley Belcher III.
As part of their farewell tour, The Magic Gang have soft released new single 'Crazy Boy' Check it out here...
Composer Arthur Sharpe and exclusive BDi client Sister Pictures have won an IVOR NOVELLO award for BBC drama 'The Following Events Are Based On A Pack Of Lies' in the 'Best Television Soundtrack' category at this years ceremony.&nbs..
The new single from Cave Man 'Summer Baby' is out now! Listen here. ..
Ellysse Mason has released her new single 'Getting You Down' via Rainbow Wood Records / AWAL. Listen here. ..
BDi Music is proud to welcome Louis Dodd to our composer roster. A diverse voice in film & television, Louis' music can be heard across multiple BAFTA & Emmy-winning projects worldwide. ..
Our MD Sarah Liversedge will be speaking with BDi composer Sheridan Tongue for the MPA Ireland 'Meet the Film Composers and their Team' seminar on the 21st May 2024. Sign up here:
Æ MAK has released her 'Let's Do It' single. The song was featured on Spotify's official New Music Friday UK playlist. Listen here...
Memorial have released their new album 'Redsetter' via Real Kind Records. Featuring songs co-written by band member Oliver Spalding. 'Guardian' was added to Spotify's official New Music Friday UK playlist.